Wednesday 6 July 2011

Mumford and Sons
Sigh No More
The album cover to the Sigh No More shows the band in a shop window but also looks like a boutique store. It looks like a typical London location. It looks like the band are imitating four mannequins. The clothing they are wearing is quite indie like chequered shirts, straw hats and waistcoats.
The album cover looks quite 70s. The white building where the band is, is quite plain, but it will still attract you because of the location  and how the band is presented. The Mumford and Sons title looks like it is written on the pavement. the font of the writing looks old fashioned and goes with the cover.
Overall the way the band are dressed, where they are standing in the shop window, it all goes with type of songs on the album which are very folky

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