Wednesday 6 July 2011

Paolo Nutini
Sunny Side Up
The album cover to the Paolo Nutini’s Sunny Side Up, shows a cartoon or animated man who is supposed to be Paolo eating a plate of eggs. The phrase sunny side up is how a egg could be made. I think the cover is very positive and ‘happy’  so I think the cover goes well with the upbeat songs on the track list. The songs on the album are very reggae. The colours on the album link with the colours on the Rastafarian flag. This is Paolo Nutini’s second album so this could be him showing he is trying different genres and he is mixing his music up. Also everything on the album for example the guitar showing behind the table, is representing Paolo Nutini and what he enjoys. Lastly the song Pencil Full of Lead could be linked with the use of drawings and how everything looks drawn on.

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