Thursday 23 June 2011

Diary Entry 1 create my A2 coursework, I will be making a music promo and CD cover for a new album. firstly I have made a prezi giving all the people who I would like to be involved in the video like the actors and crew. I chose some actors who I am friends with. I chose them because they are interested in clothing and have a specific style which I think could make the video more new and fresh. For the crew i have chosen people who are more experienced with camera work. I have also shown different location one  which i personally know quite well and go often. Other locations like London would be quite intersting to use for example well known Underground stations and tourist spots like Camden market.

I also looked on youtube to find some different music videos which i thought were very creative. This gave me ideas for my own video. Most of the videos I have found was 'indie' songs.

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