Thursday 7 July 2011

Diary Entry 3

The last thing I have done is that I have found 2 music advertisements. One being the release of The Verve new single and the other being the release of Panic at the Disco album. I have talked about what is on the advertisement and what it all represents and how it is maybe linked to some songs on the album. I found some of the advertisements on old magazine issues like NME

I have also found some inspiration videos for example
Take That-Love Love
I have chosen this video because I liked the set up in this video for example the lighting.

I have also found another video which was The Script-Science and Faith.
What I thought was good in this video was that even though the band was playing in front of a plain white screen. They used faded moving images and placed them on the bands faces and bodies. One moving image was some fireworks

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